Friday, October 26, 2012

NaNoWriMo November 2012: ADVICE

NaNoWriMo is coming November 1st. And I'm here to help you get your novel done before December 1st.

First off, before the event begins, you'll want to write down a plot. It can be just a simple list of things behind the story or an entire 70-sheet notebook filled up entirely with the story.

Secondly, if you have a busy schedule, put in 1-2 hours of writing every day.

Thirdly, if you are on the YWP site, be sure that you have set your goal.

When the event is going on, take the steps I'm about to give you. It's important not to burn yourself out when writing. If you are feeling worn out by your writing or can't seem to write for the time being, take a break and get back to it later. Usually a short walk around your neighborhood could do.

How to complete the challenge in a simple way:

If you are on the adult website, the word count goal is automatically 50,000 words. If you are on the YWP website, you can set your own goal.

Divide your word count goal by 30. Whatever your result is is the amount of words you have to write per day. I'll just call it your daily word count goal in this post.

Next, find out how much time to fit into your day to write. Do this by taking a typing test. You can find them online. Divide your daily word count goal by the amount of words per minute that you can type, and that is how many minutes it would take to get your daily word count goal done.

HOWEVER, you will also want to tack on 30 - 60 extra minutes to that amount of minutes, because sometimes you might type something out and you decide to change it, you will probably make frequent typos, etc. Mistakes and quick edits will add up the amount of time you have to take to write.


Let's say your goal for the month is 50,000 words. So you would do the math: 50,000 divided by 30. You wound end up with a decimal number, but just round it up to the nearest one. You'd get 1,667.

Next, let's say a typing test says you type 30 words per minute. You divide 1,667 by 30 and get a number with decimals, but you round it to 56. So. 56 minutes to get to 1,667, but then there will be extra time taken with fixing errors and all, so add another hour.

In total, you'd have to take 2 hours every day to get your 1,667 daily words done.

Hope this advice helps!


My history of NaNoWriMo:

When I first heard about NaNoWriMo almost a year ago, it was already 3 days into NaNoWriMo, but I did it anyways. I got past my goal of writing a 30,000-word novel. In August this summer I did a 50,000-word novel in Camp NaNoWriMo.

I'm about to write my third NaNoWriMo novel, called "Derrick And Fame." My word count goal is 50,000 words. You can find me on the YWP NaNoWriMo website as Gillman329.